What makes you tick?
A fair question to runners, what makes you tick? What's so damn enticing about the whole endeavor?
I ask myself this quite often. I didn't grow up with runners in my family, it was nothing that I was ever exposed to at a young age. I grew up in a football obsessed family and community. I've alluded to this before in earlier posts, but until 21 years old, anything over 1 mile was long distance running. I am not even sure if I ran for 30 minutes straight before I was about 23.
To have predicted that in 2018 that I'd be training for my first marathon is about as bizarre as it gets. Initially there was zero desire to venture towards 26.2, very naive and humble beginnings.
When you hear somebody say, "running is an addiction," I'd gladly co sign that statement. If a licensed psychologist was to break down the psychology of endurance runners, there would be many parallels to an addictive personality, for a lack of better terms.
I've found the running community to be rather quirky. Meeting up to run in 15 degrees and a steady snow, yet all smiles and loving every second of it, odd? To most, more than odd.
For one, running strengthens the body in ways that strength training, for me at least, never quite tapped into. The anabolic blast of hitting 440 in the squat rack is a hell of a rush, but, it was short lived. The awe inspiring glow that lingers after a long run, or a weekend morning where you out kick a fellow competitor, or death march to the finish line, it's just the damndest thing. I love it.
Running for most, could be described as meditative, the greatest stress reliever, competitive, introspective, empowering. Non runners usually dismiss it, and that's okay. If they're meant to understand, they'll find it one day.
Sure, some runs flow better than others. After every run though, even if you're struggle busing that day, you feel better than before you started. It never fails.
While in the moment of a run, my mind is flooded, some thoughts specific to the day, some totally random. I sort out the day, I sort out my past, I embrace future adventures while flowing along. The sun shines a bit different, the rain gets blocked out, the outdoor conditions become irrelevant. Perspective enhancing.
Challenging the mind and body comes together (personally) no better than running. All systems of the body are firing, while simultaneously channeling your stride in that given moment. I thrive on the idea of my body becoming enriched with oxygenated blood, keeping a diabetic's body youthful, strong and resilient. Along the way, you learn about yourself, and what makes you tick, never forget that.
Much love,
I ask myself this quite often. I didn't grow up with runners in my family, it was nothing that I was ever exposed to at a young age. I grew up in a football obsessed family and community. I've alluded to this before in earlier posts, but until 21 years old, anything over 1 mile was long distance running. I am not even sure if I ran for 30 minutes straight before I was about 23.
To have predicted that in 2018 that I'd be training for my first marathon is about as bizarre as it gets. Initially there was zero desire to venture towards 26.2, very naive and humble beginnings.
When you hear somebody say, "running is an addiction," I'd gladly co sign that statement. If a licensed psychologist was to break down the psychology of endurance runners, there would be many parallels to an addictive personality, for a lack of better terms.
I've found the running community to be rather quirky. Meeting up to run in 15 degrees and a steady snow, yet all smiles and loving every second of it, odd? To most, more than odd.
For one, running strengthens the body in ways that strength training, for me at least, never quite tapped into. The anabolic blast of hitting 440 in the squat rack is a hell of a rush, but, it was short lived. The awe inspiring glow that lingers after a long run, or a weekend morning where you out kick a fellow competitor, or death march to the finish line, it's just the damndest thing. I love it.
Running for most, could be described as meditative, the greatest stress reliever, competitive, introspective, empowering. Non runners usually dismiss it, and that's okay. If they're meant to understand, they'll find it one day.
Sure, some runs flow better than others. After every run though, even if you're struggle busing that day, you feel better than before you started. It never fails.
While in the moment of a run, my mind is flooded, some thoughts specific to the day, some totally random. I sort out the day, I sort out my past, I embrace future adventures while flowing along. The sun shines a bit different, the rain gets blocked out, the outdoor conditions become irrelevant. Perspective enhancing.
Challenging the mind and body comes together (personally) no better than running. All systems of the body are firing, while simultaneously channeling your stride in that given moment. I thrive on the idea of my body becoming enriched with oxygenated blood, keeping a diabetic's body youthful, strong and resilient. Along the way, you learn about yourself, and what makes you tick, never forget that.
Much love,
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