
Showing posts from June, 2019

The High Country

A random phone call from my Dad on my brother's birthday almost had me skip a heart beat or 2.  It had been over 2 years since he moved out west, and I had yet to visit him.  Life and limited vacation days weren't on my side.  Due to some hip trouble, my Dad couldn't fly and wanted my brother to have support for his first 50k.  I found out there was still registration for the Half Marathon distance.  I sent a snap of my registration confirmation to him, and he called me 30 seconds later, and the adventure was on. As we talked amongst the giddyness of our upcoming adventure, the realization hit me, this race began at 7,300 ft, and topped out a few feet shy of 9,000 ft of altitude.  My house sits at only a few feet shy of 1,100 ft, and I've only been over 5,000 ft once, and that was just standing there for a few minutes. "Dude, I don't want to sound worried, but how much of an affect will the altitude have on me?"  I nervously asked. "Haha well, ...