The irony of hindsight
"Son, I've said it once, twice, a thousand times, so I'll say it again.." *Andrew braces himself for another Dadism* "Life is the only subject you get the test first, and the lesson later." My Dad loves that line, and if I had a dollar for everytime I've heard it, I'd be retired at 31. Behind the cliche, it's so damn true and spot on though. I read through an old notebook from the last 18 months a few days back. From the original inception of my intentions to commit to the marathon, to this past summer where I did my best to work well with high humidty and new venture into parenthood. For awhile I really questioned if I trained correctly. Like any competitor when the outcome is far off from the intention, you're naturally forced to sit and reflect. Ok, what went well and what went terribly wrong? After 4 months of reflection, I was patient with where my thoughts took me after that rough go in Morgantown. A few thoughts that ...