Coming of age
"Just wait until you're my age, kid.." A phrase that is used and abused, one that sends shockwaves down my spine as nails on a chalkboard, yet a phrase that unfortunately carries some truth. Growing up as athletes, it's like we're blessed with endless energy and our days are non stop. Heavy weights in the gym, pick up basketball for a few hours, come home, shower and then head out until late night. Maybe eat some junk food past midnight, get to sleep late, wake up and do it again. You're invincible with hardly any color under your eyes. Somewhere in your late 20s, at least for me, but many others alike, you start to take a second look at your life's shenanigans and wonder how you can better utilize time, and more importantly, rest. The idea of overtraining or going too hard wasn't even a thought until almost 29. I jumped into Half Marathon training, and too my ignorant surprise, I was terribly run down and my vitals had shown it. C...