
Showing posts from November, 2016

What makes you a runner?

"I got that runner's gene, and it's something you never really shake." I heard this in an interview by former professional runner, Chris Barnicle.  He is without question one of the more unique running personalities you could ever come across.  Do yourself a favor and Google search this character.  I've read about the runner's high for years, the endorphins, and all the happy chemicals our bodies produce during and after a run, but never did I hear something so compelling, "the runner's gene." Which prompted me to wonder, hmm, does it exist..?! During my youth, I ran all the time, I was a hopeless runner's high fiend, and had no idea.  In Elementary School, our annual Jog-A-Thon, a PTA fundraiser if I remember correctly, awarded the top 3 boys and girls with the most laps during the event. The ultimate bragging rights in our Elementary hallways.  My parents laugh when they recall how excited I'd be the night before.  This was pre diabet...

That one time it all sunk in, I have Diabetes!

While I was no Rhodes Scholar and the definition of an underachiever, sadly like most traditional jocks, I never missed a workout.  You may shake your head at that, but, if it wasn't for exercise and competition with myself and others growing up, I don't know want to where life would have taken me.  I worked out like a mad man, it kept me sane, it kept my adolescent vanity up, and it put me at the front of the pack with the seniors during Summer 2003 football workouts. Our football team was stacked.  The 2004 Senior class at Beaver was one of the best.  I'll debate that with anybody.  Year and half earlier, I wondered if I would even stick with football.  I was in a full blown growth spurt post diagnosis, and had a standout freshman campaign.  To prove to the group of seniors I could hang, I worked out hard.  I would come down to the track and do extra sprints, and run a fast mile on our off days.  There is no such thing as overtraining to...